“Why analyze the oil?” is a relevant question. For the operators of a plant, it is a legitimate request for clarification: for themselves in the first place, and for those who come to propose a similar”assessment”activity within their assets. When
A plan for lubrication
Let’s try to imagine an organic synthesis of the elements we have already mentioned in a so-called “Lubrication Plan”. There are several critical points in a production site, including: Lubricant storage (Oils and Greases) Management of lubricants and their correct
Perfection is not of this Earth
“However, with a little effort, we can picture the improvement of our company’s level of quality and operational efficiency!” During this new appointment in the field of lubrication and its possible improvements, with the goal of achieving excellence, we will
The true meaning of Noria
This name (now a “brand”, internationally well known for spreading maintenance culture) brings us back to an ancient form of using water as a driving force capable of “lifting itself”! It is an elegant hydraulic device that – using a
Is the product of poor quality or simply spoiled?
Or, how and for how long to preserve lubricants in optimal conditions. Even if the majority of lubricants (grease or oils) that are usually utilized in the industry have a “mineral” origin, derived from fossil deposits from tens of millions
Innovative sampling method
The UCVD is truly an unconventional oil sampling device. In doing so it solves problems and enhances the quality and precision of the oil analysis that will be performed.
A new professional figure: the Machine Lubrication Expert
(Italiano) Figura EL, in quanto Esperto nella Lubrificazione delle Macchine, prende spunto dal già consolidato percorso di ICML e Lubecouncil, con il quale, a livello internazionale sono già state certificate oltre 3500 figure di esperti nella Lubrificazione delle Macchine.
Implementation of lubricating oil monitoring
(Italiano) Intervento di P.G. Adriani durante l’evento “La Sicurezza del Volo ed il Controllo di Qualità dei Materiali di Consumo di impiego aeronautico” organizzato dal Centro Sperimentale Volo (Aeronautica Militare) svolto a Pratica di Mare dal 1 al 2 Aprile 2009
Diagnostics and Predictive Maintenance
(Italiano) Intervento di P.G.Adriani e M. Paoli per il Congresso Italiano di Manutenzione (Verona, mer. 22 Ottobre, 2008). Tra gli argomenti trattati: il passaggio dalle procedure off-site all’on-site e le prospettive di sviluppo attraverso gli utlimi progressi nel campo dell’intelligenza artificiale
Lubrication and leisure
(Italiano) Ogni anno in Europa vengono vendute oltre 5 milioni di tonnellate di lubrificanti