About us

Mecoil Diagnosi Meccaniche Srl was founded in the late ’80s as a diagnostic laboratory, dedicated to providing customers a reliable cost-effective service for decision-making in the fields of maintenance and assets management. At the beginning, Mecoil used military derived instruments


Have a tour in our Lab Mecoil Laboratory analyzes used lubricating oil samples from national and international industrial plants and applications. The main target of used oil analysis is to seek out “weak signals” hidden in the fluid that tell

Quality, Sustainability, Health and Safety

Mecoil Diagnosi Meccaniche Srl operates in the field of analysis of lubricants in operation, with the aim of monitoring the possible evolution of anomalies through the oil and consequently monitoring the machines in which the fluid operates. With this in

Health and Safety Indicators

Health and Safety Indicators The Health and Safety of workers and people around Mecoil Diagnosi Meccaniche are a paramount pillar to assure the prosperity of the Company and the sustainable development of the Social Community. Therefore, Mecoil Diagnosi Meccaniche is

Portfolio & Partners

Some of the clients we are work for and our main partners

Directions and Map

From 29 July 2014, Mecoil has moved to Via delle Panche 140 -50 141 Firenze ITALY By car Highway exit  Firenze; Continue towards the airport (final part highway A11) -Continue towards Viale degli Astronauti; Continue towards Viale A. Guidoni); Turn left

Personal Data Processing

PRIVACY NOTICE ON THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 13 OF REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 – Version March 2025 – Mecoil Diagnosi Meccaniche S.r.l. (hereinafter also referred to as “Mecoil”), in its capacity of Data Controller of your personal