In order to start a business in 1989 – even if there was no talk of crisis – the need for subsidizing by personal money was mandatory; banks’ support almost inexistent. Somehow we managed to start a very small sized Mecoil operation in informal working space, yet anyhow fairly wide and functional. In those times customers struggled to understand the benefits of the “Predictive approach” at a time of significant volatility of durable goods. Among the first ones to fully share such methodological approach (greater Safety in operations and longer life expectancy of lubricants) was Solvay in Rosignano and the Coast Guard headquarter. The word “reliability” together with most stringent environmental standards have opened new options to our project for an Italian way to “conditions monitoring”.
Contacts with the United States and Spectro Inc corporation (with them we closed an agency contract, since the very beginning) become over time more and more frequent.Then there was the time of racing cars and support from prestigious companies of lubricants that have provided considerable resources to this very dynamic field. The possibility of obtaining “onsite” information about the health of engines under testing had a great echo in the entire automotive sector. The Spectroil instrument became soon the “solution” for the majority of car manufacturers not only in Italy, but also all over Europe.
Large companies in the petrochemical sector in addition to the top domestic energy groups have chosen the Service by Mecoil in order to obtain precise information on lubricants’ degradation, while still in operation, in order to perform “just in time” specific corrective actions.
After moving from Villa Montalto (a prestigious location that allowed us within last ten years to achieve high-level conferences, in collaboration with association) we operate nowadays in a space more comfortable and consistent for our core business. The new headquarters, located in Via delle Panche (North side of Firenze) allow us to host training courses in partnership with www.lubecouncil.og and for the graduation of Machine Lubrication Technician in addition to the traditional work of in-service lubricating oils analysis.
Mecoil staff has evolved over time, reaching high levels of skillness & specialization, well appreciated over the world of diagnostic and predictive maintenance. On November 18th there was a great celebration about that, and much more with friends, customers  and families who have willingly shared these  moments of joy to celebrate a company that delivers confidence and invests in the future as well stressed by the President of “Confindustria Firenze”, Simone Bettini.

Since 1989, 25 years of Mecoil