This week Mecoil had the pleasure of receiving a visit from two representatives of one of our historic partners, Dipietro Group.
Our lab technicians, together with our commercial team, accompanied our guests Ivano and Giovanni from Syracuse on a guided tour of the headquarters, illustrating to them the latest technological innovations developed at Mecoil.
Founded in the early 90s, Dipietro Group creates and supplies exclusive technologies for field analysis of hydrocarbon products with highly automated “turnkey” solutions, thanks to research dedicated to the development of innovative and high-impact solutions that respond to the evolving needs of the O&G world at a global level.
For over 20 years we have developed numerous partnerships with Di Pietro, including the recent installation of an online monitoring system (monitoil) for the chemical/physical characteristics of lubricants in a strategic plant at the Priolo/SR petrochemical hub.
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