The new robotic arm for the Spectroil Q100 spectrometer, developed by Mecoil Diagnosi Meccaniche, has been presented to Proteco, a Chilean company active in the market of instruments for the analysis of lubricants.

This device is the result of a first prototype built in 2020, tested at length in the Mecoil laboratory (15,000 – 20,000 samples per year) and improved to reach its current configuration.


The Proteco visitors listening to our expert’s explanation of the robotic arm.


Proteco serves a market in which the mining sector plays an important role; this sector is characterized by remote production sites, where operational autonomy is essential and the possibility of carrying out massive monitoring campaigns, also with the help of autosamplers, makes a difference.


The Proteco visitors with P. Piovanelli, G. Adriani, M. Campatelli

“Queremos ser un actor clave en el ecosistema de innovación tecnológica Latinoamericano, mediante el ofrecimiento de tecnología y sus aplicaciones en diversas industrias de Chile y países del cono sur.”

“We want to be a key player in the Latin American technological innovation ecosystem, by offering technology and its applications in various industries in Chile and southern cone countries.”


Robotic Innovation: Mecoil and Proteco

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