Thanks to an impeccable infrastructure created to welcome guests who are not too “adults”, even us women and men from the world of Maintenance have found a space to share ideas with serenity and an extra smile, which doesn’t hurt!





This two-days maintenance event had over 200 participants, including sponsors, organizers and guests, coming from a myriad of industrial contexts. For the first time, the  Maintenance-stories have returned live “in physical presence” again in Garda after an interval of almost 15 years, which included the Covid period.

The pleasure of exchanging a few words, in addition to the usual technical information, was clearly evident. The mascots and Halloween decorations lightened the atmosphere, which still felt like a “reunion” between colleagues. The crowded conference room was a clear testimony to the interest on the topics of the panel, among which speakers from very different backgrounds stood out. The underlying theme was Maintenance that sees man at the center, as an inextricable element of effective Engineering, which finds its main drivers in the themes of Safety and sustainability.

All this (as always advocated by Aiman and supported by the current President Bruno Sasso) was evident during the various round table discussions with multiple points for reflection, moderated with professionalism by the various coordinators of the work groups who were able to keep the audience’s interest alive, even after lunch (held in the Tutankhamun room!) which was lavish to say the least. The history of Gardaland is itself a testimony to maintenance progress, transformed over time from a “reactive” one to an extremely dynamic form of Preventive/Predictive maintenance, thanks also to the contribution of Francesco Cominoli, historic testimonial of this cultural progress. The various companies present (regardless of their size and type of production) narrated the most representative details of their current vision of the maintenance process, during an invested interaction with the audience.

The representative of MECOIL DIAGNOSI MECCANICHE, G. Adriani (who has effectively collaborated with Aiman for over 20 years), presented a summary of the entire day, trying to reinforce the message of training and the indispensable cultural exchange at the basis of the progress of any form of industrial conditions’ monitoring. The assets last longer, without major hiccups (as confirmed by the previous presentation by Engineer Onorato of Erg Wind&Solar) also thanks to the refinement of the diagnostic technologies in the field. But without specific training of the personnel in the field, the results can be misleading, losing effectiveness!

A heartfelt thank you goes to the event organizers for their commitment and in particular to Patrizia, a true “war machine” born for these events, impeccable at the welcome desk, and to Valentina, Cristian and Marco, as well as all the staff of Tim Global Media, true tightrope walkers of hospitality who kept the tone high!

See you at the next event!


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