“Maintenance & Sustainability”
In the era of Hypercompetition, to face the challenges of globalization and return to growth, companies need to improve their organizational methods and look for innovative technologies. These technologies should be able to achieve competitive excellence in the management of Phisical Assets (machinery, equipment, facilities, infrastructure, buildings). Industrial facilities and know-how are the assets that must be designed, executed, and maintained over a range of Long Life Cycle according to advanced criteria to aim to have an adequate, environmental and economic sustainability.
In last few years the maintenance attitude has greatly evolved in all industrialized countries. Initially considered a set of activities to preserve the “assets”, maintenance has changed into a complex system of technologies, able to prevent work accidents, increase operational availability, reduce energy consumption and extend the assets’ life, stimulating growth and sustainable development.
AIMAN, with 53 years’ experience, constitutes the national reference for maintenance. AIMAN, sensitive to this topic, offers a great opportunity to all professionals and experts: the XXIV National Congress.
The congress will deal with Management and Organization, Maintenance Outsourcing, Safety and Maintenance Engineering, Innovative Technologic Applications, Qualification and Certification of Maintenance Technicians.
It could be the opportunity to keep an eye on the international maintenace scene and make connection with the last news and results in the way to implement innovative projects that can not wait any longer if we want to start to grow.
Program (italian only)
1st Day ![]() |
2nd Day ![]() |
Diretction to
General Electric SpA – Learning Center Via Perfetti Ricasoli, 78 – Firenze Maps
By train
The railway station is Firenze Rifredi, a 10-minute walk from the Learning Center.
By bus
Bus no. 23, direction “Zona Industriale” from the city center to last stop in front of General Electric spa.
By car
From the motorway, take the exit “Firenze Nord”, continue on A11/E76 (4.5 km). When arrived in Peretola (next to the airport), take Via Zoroastro (0.3 km), straight on Viale degli Astronauti (0.2 km) then on Viale A. Guidoni (0.3 miles) and turn left into Viale 11 Agosto (1.6 miles), finally turn right into Via Perfetti Ricasoli.
How to participate
Fees to partecipate*:
- Members: € 150.00 + VAT
- Non-members: € 200.00 + VAT
Pre-registration is valid until October the 31st:
*Lunches are included. Payment info: – C/C n. 53457206 int. A.I.MAN. – B.B. su MPS – P.zza Cavour 1 – 20121 (MI) IBAN: IT 41 B 01030 01661 000001083669 int. A.I.MAN.